Sunday, August 29, 2010

stay away......... yet so close...

Heart & Mind in constant state of War.........

Its always been difficult to conclude 'Needs' & 'Wants'. One's mind goes through a lot of dilemma to decide a need or want. An irony it is... u always get right things at the wrong time.
There are two sides to everything in Life.... and that's what creates the complexity.
Well the most complex are Emotions, that rule every second of Life. Every situation in Life holds an Emotion responsible for its cause.

Its the state of being.....heart and mind being friends..... the SELF never knows when they hold hands to walk together or when they will choose different paths. Maintaining an equilibrium is the challenge in every situation. The SELF undergoes a whole lot of transitions before a decision is made.

Wondering if even one person in this whole world could be unemotional......Well the most ruthless character history has ever seen, a man who never shed a tear when he took to killing, most inhumane, who covered the era with blood..... ADOLF HITLER.....ruled by emotion, lead himself to suicide.

Every emotion in the world knits relationships, in and out of entanglements brings out the intimacy.

Stay AWAY....... yet so CLOSE......... the words between Heart and Mind.


  1. Hi Buddy,

    Just Airing my opinion...correct me if I'm wrong, Ha ha ha...know U would.

    We always get the Right things at the Right time, It's just- We want the right things at the wrong time.

  2. Hey...
    Thanks for the comments..... well the conflict is between need and want and as u mentioned... we Want right things at the wrong time.... wat we want is wat we get.
