Friday, September 10, 2010


A lovely rich couple.....

Years it took her to conceive. Never did She know, She would be a mother of Two, actually TWINS. Blessed were the couple by unbound happiness.....
Tragedy struck... Unlucky were the boys to grow without their father..
Never did She let them feel the absence of their father. They were the best brothers, looked the same, dressed the same, ate from the same plate, played together.

Time changed.... So did they... Adults now.... Men!!!
Cursed by greed, quarrel started. Broke their bond, as both got into conflict. Bad company, opposite groups, Mother trying hard to bind them back into love. Ruining their family assets, they fought for everything.
Never did the Mother know that She would be slaughtered by her sons, whom Greed had conquered.
Took to weapons did they, Mother bleeding to see her sons kill them selves. Went in to stop them, trying hard, got stabbed in their fight. Slit into half, by the same sons who shared Her womb, shared the cause for Her death.


  1. Nice one :) but wat made you wrote this? :P

  2. India Pakistan Relations ????????

    Huh.... Now Pakistan is already into some other problem, why are u reminding them again of de older fights ? Be quite...... Shhhuuuuu !

  3. that was very well n emotionally written Sharan!!
