Friday, September 10, 2010


A lovely rich couple.....

Years it took her to conceive. Never did She know, She would be a mother of Two, actually TWINS. Blessed were the couple by unbound happiness.....
Tragedy struck... Unlucky were the boys to grow without their father..
Never did She let them feel the absence of their father. They were the best brothers, looked the same, dressed the same, ate from the same plate, played together.

Time changed.... So did they... Adults now.... Men!!!
Cursed by greed, quarrel started. Broke their bond, as both got into conflict. Bad company, opposite groups, Mother trying hard to bind them back into love. Ruining their family assets, they fought for everything.
Never did the Mother know that She would be slaughtered by her sons, whom Greed had conquered.
Took to weapons did they, Mother bleeding to see her sons kill them selves. Went in to stop them, trying hard, got stabbed in their fight. Slit into half, by the same sons who shared Her womb, shared the cause for Her death.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

For You......

You are.....

The Thought of my mind,
Cornering every Moment in my Life.
A tear in my eye,
Covering all my feelings for you...
Every word in my speech,
Making me a poet of an unknown mysterious language
The Core of my Heart,
Saving all my beats for the undone years,...
The blossom of my love
Bubbling and Seeking your way out through me,
Alas You are the Light of my Soul,
Bringing out a true realization of Me in You.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


our time to Fly.......

A time to be Loved,
A time to be in Love,
A time to Grow,
A time to help Grow,
A time to Unite is a time to Converge,
A time to Diversify is a time to Emerge,
Its all the time in Life,
Its Our time to Fly.......

Our Life in India.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Love ......

is a feeling,......................

Their eyes met,
Hearts felt,
pink turned her cheeks,
so did his arms fold around her,
Love smiled...........................................

Less did she know, her words cant reach him,
nor did he know that words never came from her.

stay away......... yet so close...

Heart & Mind in constant state of War.........

Its always been difficult to conclude 'Needs' & 'Wants'. One's mind goes through a lot of dilemma to decide a need or want. An irony it is... u always get right things at the wrong time.
There are two sides to everything in Life.... and that's what creates the complexity.
Well the most complex are Emotions, that rule every second of Life. Every situation in Life holds an Emotion responsible for its cause.

Its the state of being.....heart and mind being friends..... the SELF never knows when they hold hands to walk together or when they will choose different paths. Maintaining an equilibrium is the challenge in every situation. The SELF undergoes a whole lot of transitions before a decision is made.

Wondering if even one person in this whole world could be unemotional......Well the most ruthless character history has ever seen, a man who never shed a tear when he took to killing, most inhumane, who covered the era with blood..... ADOLF HITLER.....ruled by emotion, lead himself to suicide.

Every emotion in the world knits relationships, in and out of entanglements brings out the intimacy.

Stay AWAY....... yet so CLOSE......... the words between Heart and Mind.

Monday, July 5, 2010

a beginning............

everything starts at a point......a point of interest.

Life starts at a point, growing along with relations, emotions, expressions, reasons, wants, needs and finally expectations. Simple is the starting point, nevertheless we make it so complicated. Everything we do connects with the above words. Life never needs a reason, we DO. It is very funny that LIFE is a four letter word in the English language, that needs complex words to explain  

Always had the urge to express in writing, but was too lazy to pen it online ;). Credits go to each and every one of you out there, who have inspired and influenced to START....... Looked out for a reason to write, but now i don't think i need.....

so here's my beginning as a........................................................Blogger ;0